So, yeah … those three promotions changed my business and my life. That’s when I committed my life to learn the skill, craft, and psychology of copywriting and marketing.
Which brings us full circle to The Greatest “Thank You” Gift Ever Referral Campaign, and why I want you to get your hands on it.
Inside, I reveal to you how to properly pre-frame and condition your members to refer — en masse — giving you one of the greatest cash surge months in your company’s history.
And since this is an evergreen campaign, you’ll be able to reuse it time and again as you need it.
You’ll discover there are 7 Key Engagement Indicators — the driving psychology that signals the likelihood of which members will refer, and those who won’t.
Here’s three of the seven:
1) Weight loss history, (Emotionally, where are they?)
2) Before & after pictures, (Do you have them?)
3) Reviews, (How many, if any, reviews has a given client provided?)
The other four are even more critical, and they are waiting on you inside The Greatest “Thank You” Gift Ever Referral Campaign.
You’ll also discover you have three different types of customers:
1) Those who have not referred.
2) Those how have referred someone who joined.
3) And those who referred someone, but did not join.
How you speak to each segment is important, and you need to know how to talk to them based on their individual activity.
You’ll discover, maybe for the first time ever, the importance of proper framing and pre-framing your message to get maximum impact.
You’ll get step-by-step instructions on how to execute the perfect referral campaign. You’ll understand the psychology, strategy, and how to run the implementation plan.
And you’ll get all the done-for-you tools and template you'll need to make The Greatest “Thank You” Gift Ever Referral Campaign the best you’ve ever promoted.
The most significant part of it all is, this creates a virtuous cycle of referrals by driving future engagement. Plus, you won’t come across as a desperate, needy, business owner, looking for a handout.
Quite the contrary, in fact, … your members will feel as if they’ve earned the right to refer. They’ll feel emboldened to refer. They’ll feel excited to refer again. And you are going to make it easy for them to do so.