Ideal Business Show with Sam Bakhtiar
Sam Bakhtiar -Show Notes Dr. Saman Bakhtiar is the Co Founder of The Camp Transformation Center. He has helped transform THOUSANDS of people not only physically but what he feels is even more [...]
Ideal Business Show with Scott Rawcliffe
Scott Rawcliffe - Show Notes Scott Rawcliffe is a social media thought leader for fit pros, a Facebook marketing expert and an International fitness presenter. Scott says that he took the backwards route [...]
Ideal Business Show with Fred Zoller
Fred Zoller - Show Notes Fred Zoller graduated from SLU with a B.S. in Kinesiology emphasizing human movement. He has attained numerous training certifications and has read and studied every ounce of [...]
Ideal Business Show with Pete Dupuis
. Pete Dupuis - Show Notes Pete Dupuis is the Vice President and Co-Founder of Cressey Sports Performance. He has served as business director of CSP since it was established in 2007. Since graduating [...]
Ideal Business Show with Trevor Wittwer
Trevor Wittwer - Show Notes Trevor Wittwer is the co-founder of Habit Catalyst, a software program for fitness and nutrition professionals that automates the accountability and education process with clients. Born and [...]
Ideal Business Show with Mike Rousell
Dr. Mike Roussell - Show Notes Dr. Mike is known for transforming complex nutritional concepts into practical nutritional habits that his clients can use to ensure permanent weight loss and [...]