The Psychology of Selling
A while back I shared that the cost to join Virtual Fitness Mastermind is going up and you can try it out for $1 and lock in at the current rate if you decide to [...]
You Online: Yes or No
There are a number of considerations when trying to decide whether you are going to add an online component…so I wanted to help you decide if you should. Here are reasons to and no to [...]
The Fastest Growing Segment of the Industry
I was interviewed for AJ Mihrzad’s Podcast and I said that I thought the fastest growing segment of the fitness industry over the next 5-10 years would be Online Training. Yep…Online Training. Now, before you [...]
What My Ideal Business Would Be
[Print This] I often talk about the concept of the Ideal Business and even have pulled back the curtain on what my Ideal Business is. But I wanted to give you a different perspective… [...]
The Five Rules of Lasting Fitness Business Success
All too often we spend our time on day to day things or working on the tactical level without spending much time on stepping back and working on our business. So I’ve put together 5 [...]
Focus on These [Success Keys Inside]
Yesterday I was working on a copywriting project for a colleague and I started to give some thought to how important something like that is to a business. He could have the best product [...]